Instructor: Lynne Barrett
This class will be held on Zoom.
Even at first glimpse, readers expect to be struck by characters and drawn in to know more. And they want the writer to sustain that fascination even after the last line. In this workshop, we’ll look at examples and use prompts that help you to present and reveal characters in very short forms—flash fiction, nonfiction, and prose poetry—while also opening up possibilities for longer works.
Lynne Barrett is the author of Magpies (gold medal, Florida Book Awards) and edited Making Good Time, True Stories of How We Do, and Don’t, Get Around in South Florida. Her recent work appears in Orange Blossom Review, Necessary Fiction, Mystery Tribune, Flash! Writing the Very Short Story, The Hong Kong Review, and Grabbed: Poets and Writers on Sexual Assault, Empowerment, and Healing. She authored the handbook What Editors Want and teaches at Florida International University.
More at
Twitter: @LynneBarrett
Public Contact Email: BarrettL@fiu.eduwww.LynneBarrett.comwww.LynneBarrett.com